
Learn more about Tokeland Cannabis philosophy, history and story.

About Tokeland Cannabis

In August of 2021 our tribe, the Shoalwater Bay Tribe signed a cannabis compact with Washington State establishing the framework to open our first cannabis dispensary. Our vision for the store is to promote natural wellness as an essential component in healthy living and that cannabis can be a natural product that helps bring balance into everyday life. In Tokeland it’s not just about getting high but rather discovering the therapeutic benefits cannabis provides. So come discover yourself in Tokeland, let our exceptional customer service and expert knowledge help you uncover your endocannabinoid system!

Incorporated in 2007 by the Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Willapa Bay Enterprises consists of several properties designed to create financial stability and security for our tribe. In addition to Tokeland Cannabis, WBE owns and operates the Tradewinds Motel & Conference Center, Georgetown Gas Station, Willapa Bay Oyster Co. and still growing.
